Team WITNESS Runs the TCS NYC Marathon Sunday 11/6!
Team WITNESS will be running the TCS NYC Marathon this Sunday, November 6th! This year, WITNESS has seven incredible team members who have been training hard for the marathon and raising $3000 each for our organization.
These seven individuals are helping WITNESS make it possible for anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend their human rights.
Thanks to team members Sarah, Sam, Alessandro, Bridgette, Sean, Bryce, and Carolina.
WITNESS staff will be stationed around mile 8 of the race with a big sign. We will be standing in front of Mo’s Bar & Lounge on 80 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217, starting at 10:30AM.
Come join us and cheer on our runners, who will be wearing WITNESS orange jerseys!
If you can’t make it to our cheer zone, let us know if you’ll be stationed in a different location and we’ll make sure our runners look out for you. Here is a map of the route.
Or, consider donating to our runners’ fundraising campaigns here.
See you on race day!