Success Stories

08 Dec Strengthening the Network of Cambodian Video Activists

WITNESS is proud to have partnered with LICADHO and LICADHO Canada for over 10 years. Through comprehensive workshops and strategic project planning, activists have acquired new skills in video production and editing, storytelling, digital security, video archiving, and distribution. As a result of their work during this period, we have witnessed a transformation in the video advocacy landscape in Cambodian civil society.


18 Jul Legal Protection for Elderly Americans

For too long, the United States had a silent crisis of elder abuse: the experience of neglect, exploitation, and physical or emotional abuse by older Americans. The Elder Justice Coalition advocated for over a decade for the passage of the Elder Justice Act (EJA). A partnership between the Coalition,


22 May A Warlord Behind Bars

In the long running civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), children as young as eight years old were used as soldiers. Congolese activist Bukeni Waruzi filmed the children’s stories, and with WITNESS’ support produced two videos. These videos were part of a 14-year struggle



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